MiraMundo Spain/Catalan

Barcelona represents a Mecca of music: an interactive environment where musicians from Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin-America gather to create unique music from this city. MiraMundo members are united by freedom, the courage to overcome any borders, the love for multiculturalism and a global understanding of their own traditions.

The band was formed by the Brazilian-Portuguese-Japanese-Italian songwriter Luiz Murá, together with four musicians, all of different nationalities. MiraMundo songs present intimate stories about love, travel experiences and feelings, while mixing diverse genres: bossa nova, Mexican mariachi, samba, Italian and Gypsy songs or African traditions, all these blended into a balanced flow of gentle rhythms and strong melodies, sung in five different languages.

  • Luiz Murá - Guitar, Leading vocal, Charango, Viola caipira
  • Malena Cousinet - Saxophone, Vocal
  • Marta Kurzyca - Clarinet, Vocal
  • Jankely Felix del Aguila - Percussion
  • Ernesto Vargas Aguila - Double bass, Vocal, Bass guitar



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